Saturday, November 30, 2019

Islamic religion Essay Example

Islamic religion Essay Islamic religion was initially faced by difficult circumstances after the death of Prophet Muhammad which led to the split of Islam into two branches namely Sunni and Shia Muslims. The division was as a result of spiritual and political leadership regarding the Succession of the prophet which brought disagreement to a level of many people losing their lives. Eventually each of the two branches adopted some practices which led to the differences in their beliefs. However under the umbrella of the Koran teachings the two major branches still maintain some similarities which are extensively discussed in this paper. The Significance point to note is that both branches utilize the teachings that were laid down by Prophet Muhammad despite their Separation. Sunni and Shia Muslim Islam is among the religions in the world that has tremendously grown currently with the representation almost in every part of the world. With the foundation of the Islam based on the book of Koran, the originality can be traced way back in 7th century from the teachings of Muhammad whom according to Islamic religion is believed to be Gods last prophets in the world. Although the organization of the Islamic religion was done by Muhammad, Muslims believe that the concept of the religion existed prior to the arrival of Muhammad. This is actually from the definition of the terminology Muslim which tends to portray an affirmation that the earlier prophets represented Muslims. This paper will venture on the representation of the Sunni and Shia Muslim as well as their differences and similarities of these two major branches and brief introduction of the factors that lead to the split will be covered. We will write a custom essay sample on Islamic religion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Islamic religion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Islamic religion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The formation of the two major branches of Muslim can be traced back during the period when the Islamic religion was in the process of organization. This was mostly attributed by the policies on establishment and the leadership that was initially introduced. Under this contradictions and disagreements the major branches namely Sunni and Shia came up. Recent statistics indicate that Sunni Muslim has a bigger percentage as compared to the Shia Muslims which represents around 15 per cent of the total Muslim world wide. The split took place after the death of Prophet Muhammad (Madelung, W.1996). The succession of Muhammad was surrounded by some disagreements because Shia Muslim regarded Ali who was Muhammad cousin to be the direct successor of the prophet after his death but the Sunnis held on the point of Ali being the fourth on the succession linage. However the succession took place according to Sunnis arrangement whereby Ali took over the leadership after the death of the third calip h Uthman who was murdered. In accordance to the exercise that is supposed to be carried out in the investigation of the murder. Ali was criticized by the prophet Muhammad wife, Aisha which resulted to the battle in 656 AD but Aisha was defeated. The battle was not yet over since Ali was confronted by Muaniya ummayad who was the cousin to Uthman on the claims that justice was not done following the murder of Uthman. Ali compromised with Muaniya which angered Ali supporters and eventually one of them killed Ali. Following the death of Ali, Muaniya became the caliph although Ali saw Hussein was the one supposed to succeed his father. All did not go well with Muaniya since he was killed. More separation between the Shia Muslims and the Sunnis increased when the son of Muaniya called Yazid took over the caliphate and led to opposition from Hussein the younger son of Ali who claimed to be the right person to take over. Unfortunately Hussein and his men were slaughtered and Yazid continued as caliph. The differences between the Shias and Sunnis continued to date which are clearly defined by their teachings and believes. In an attempt to distinguish the two major branches of the Muslims several differences are discussed below. According to (Kramer, M. 1987) the Sunnis came from the terminology sunnah which stands for the word custom. After the death of the prophet Muhammad, majority of the Muslims decided to follow the customs which were demonstrated by the prophet Muhammad. They actually believed that he did not name his successor as the prophet and that is why they concentrated on practices that prophet taught before his death, hence the title Sunnis. On contrary Shia Muslims believed that the prophet designated Alias his successor and that they are obliged to follow his leadership. This concept facilitated the split between the Sunnis and the Shia Muslim. Shia Muslim base their religious leadership on a certain hierarchy which is led by imam or a spiritual leader who is believed to lead under divine authority and therefore Shia Muslims are subjected to imams doctrinal decisions with no objection or argument. This follows the belief that the supreme imam the later Ayatollah Khomeni inherited the spiritual authority from the prophet Muhammad and through the spiritual guidance he had religious power merely bestowed on him. Shia Muslims also refers imams as the right figures to analyze and interpret the Muslim teachings in accordance to the Islamic religion. Sunnis on the other hand base their spiritual guidance on jurists and scholars who have only the duty of researching and explaining the Islamic teachings with a divinity attachment. Their opinions are not considered to be final and they can always agree on any opinions as long as it is in accordance with Islamic teachings. The death of Ali and his son Hussein has a significant value to the Shia Muslim. They consider them as the martyrs, who died in the defense of the Islamic as a religion. This aspect has been considered to be among the Shia Muslims background and has even been associated with some religion practices which are carried out to commemorate past events. On contrary Sunni Muslims believe in the exercise of carrying out the missionary work to convert the non-Muslims to become Muslims other than dwelling on the tradition and practices that Shia Muslims are involved in. These practices therefore contradict Shia Muslims efforts which they aim on persuading other Muslims to join them, and according to Sunnis this has less to do with the Islamic fundamentals, therefore concluding that the Shia Muslims fail to take the Islam faith seriously. As part of the Islamic practices Muslims have a specific prayer arrangement which takes part five times in one day. Among the five prayers involved are fajr, zulir, asr, Maghrib and Isa. According to the Islamic teachings each Muslim is supposed to pray five times in a day. This is mostly adhered to by the Sunni Muslims, but for the Shia Muslims pray less than five times and sometimes they combine the prayers to pray three times in a day. This contributes to the difference between the two branches. Still on this point of prayer, the Shia Muslim has a different way in which they perform the Salat and Wudu. Normally while the Muslim is performing his prayer, he places his forehead on the prayer mat but the Shia Muslim use the dry clay which is found in Karbala. This is in conjunction with the Shia believed about the battle in Karbala. Islam has a lot of teachings and guidelines that touches most aspects of the daily life of Muslims. This is meant to effectively form the basis of uniform principles to distinguish a Muslim from a non Muslim. Among the aspects included is the marriage but according to the division that took place, the concept of marriage is found to differ between the Sunnis and the Shia Muslims. Mutah which is referred to as temporary marriage in Islam is normally practiced by Shia Muslims but Sunni Muslim rejected it after the death of the prophet Muhammad. After the split of Sunni and Shia Muslims, the Sunni which has the biggest percentage has no sub sects but the Shia Muslim further subdivided to various sub sects which includes the Ismailiya, Zaydiyah and the twelvers which is the largest among the sub sects. This subdivision was actually facilitated by religious disagreements in the aspect of imams. For instance, twelvers recognize 12 imams but others have different opinions on the number of i mams. Apart from the differences that exist between the above discussed two major branches of Islam, they also have some similarities which generalize them as Muslims. One of he striking similarity is that both Sunni and Shia Muslim believe in one God and that they both recognize Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet of God. Under this believe they both use the Koran as the Holy Scriptures. This actually facilitates them in recognition of either group to be Muslims. According to Islam Koran is the words that come from God and through Angel Gabriel, they were passed to the prophet Muhammad as the last message of God to the Muslims. The writing of Koran was done by the prophet Muhammad as the last massager of God to the Muslims. The writing of Koran was done by the prophet who was assisted by his companions. Most of the writings in the Koran clearly elaborate the principles under which the Muslim is supposed to base his life upon and also the values to be followed. Both Sunnis and Shias also believe in reciting the Koran which is normally done in Arabic, since the original Koran was written in Arabic and they attempt to preserve the original message. Similar to other religions, Islam is based on a foundation that entails the beliefs and practices which gives the guidance and instructions to be followed by Muslims. In Islam the fundamentals are referred as five pillars of Islam. Both Sunnis and the Shia Muslims adhere to these Islamic fundamentals. Muslims are therefore united by them as the representation of the five duties of Muslim in the society. With most of the preaching that was carried out by Muhammad in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia both Sunnis and the Shia believe that it is a holy city. Every year there are specific days in which Muslim from all over the world assemble in holy city Mecca to conduct prayers. Other Islamic holy cities include medina and Jerusalem.   Therefore both the Sunnis and Shia Muslims believe in these three holy cities but the Shia Muslims have two additional cities, they are Najaf and Karbala. This practice is also found in the holy days. Islamic major holidays represent area where similarities between both major branches are witnessed. Eid – Al Adha and Eid al Fitr are both recognized by the Sunnis and Shia Muslim. They are usually celebrated in specified days of the year. (Coulson, N. J.1971) Argues that Islamic teachings have in most cases been presented following what is written in Koran without distorting the message. On this concept therefore a lot of basic message has been maintained by both branches which have facilitated the aspect of Islamic religion. Examples involve the teachings on the Day of Judgment. From the book of Koran, there is substantial information about the events that would take place in that day. Both branches clearly appreciate the message. The similarities in the beliefs eventually derive a conclusion that although there are major differences between the two branches from the originality of the Islamic religion, they mostly share major concept that distinguishes a Muslim from a non-Muslim.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fido Essays - Animal Welfare, Dogs, Dog Licence, Dog, Bo, Dog Park

Fido Essays - Animal Welfare, Dogs, Dog Licence, Dog, Bo, Dog Park Fido I think the selling of all those dogs' licensees is great it?s a great sign of people who have decided to take on a new member to their family. I think all the licenses sold will increase I just hope all the people that are getting dogs are doing for Love and not fighting. The license program also paid for a one time deal was people could get there dogs Fixed for free or semi free throw the sale of Dog licenses But like every thing else it fell throw. The state said they have a new law witch reconstituted this law. I think this would be great as for it will control the rising level of animals that are being left out in the weather and give people a sense of mind that if they leave there dog out side for the day that 6-8 weeks there wont be a little spares in the Dogs bed Called Puppies. The increase in sales does show more caring and responsible owners are up and coming a may be soon their wont be a need for pounds to control unwanted animals. I hope that there will be more wide spread sales as forth this is a good sign that the Dogs are being (loved) by someone, somewhere, somehow. I also think that there should be a fee that owes should pay once every two or three years called save a friend where a $20 $50 donation is required of course some people should be exempted (Older People) from this fee as forth they are scraping by as it is and This Fee is to help people like them pay for the medical bills of the Dogs. This System I believe would help there Older members get my animals an not have to worry about the paying the doctors bill as forth it?s paid for. I also think that veterinarians should be required to donate so many hours of service to practice this skill in Conn. as forth this will also help Pets and there owners. One problem with modern Dog owner is the fact that they think once they get the licensees now they think that they have to bring the Dog every time something minor goes on and there aff! irmed to pay the doctors bill. This people don?t realize that program like this not only controls the animal but helps the owner and fellow Dog owners as forth the money they pay will go into free aid for this animals and come back in some retribution to the owner. The real Dog owners don?t worry about the medical Bills the cost of Dog food ,etc. all?s worry about is how is Fido. This is my view of the Dog licenses

Friday, November 22, 2019

Aquatic Communities

Aquatic Communities Aquatic communities are the worlds major water habitats. Like land biomes, aquatic communities can also be subdivided based on common characteristics. Two common designations are  freshwater and marine communities. Freshwater Communities Rivers and Streams are bodies of water that continuously move in a single direction. Both are rapidly changing communities. The source of the river or stream usually differs significantly from the point at which the river or stream empties. A variety of plants and animals can be found in these freshwater communities, including trout, algae, cyanobacteria, fungi, and of course, various species of fish. Estuaries are the areas where freshwater streams or rivers meet the ocean. These highly productive regions contain widely diverse plant and animal life. The river or stream usually carries many nutrients from inland sources, making estuaries capable of supporting this rich diversity and high productivity. Estuaries are feeding and breeding grounds for a variety of animals, including  waterfowl, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians. Lakes and Ponds are standing bodies of water. Many streams and rivers end in lakes and ponds. Phytoplankton are usually found in the upper layers. Because light is absorbed only to certain depths, photosynthesis is common only in the upper layers. Lakes and ponds also support a variety of plant and animal life, including  small fish, brine shrimp, aquatic insects, and numerous plant species. Marine Communities Oceans cover approximately 70% of the earths surface. Marine communities are difficult to divide into distinct types  but can be classified based on the degree of light penetration. The simplest classification consists of two distinct zones: the photic and aphotic zones. The photic zone is the light zone or area from the surface of the water to the depths at which the light intensity is only around 1 percent of that at the surface. Photosynthesis occurs in this zone. The vast majority of marine life exists in the photic zone. The aphotic zone is an area that receives little or no sunlight. The environment in this zone is extremely dark and cold. Organisms living in the aphotic zone are often bioluminescent or are extremophiles and adept at living in extreme environments. As with the other communities, a variety of organisms live in the ocean. Some include  fungi, sponges, starfish, sea anemones, fish, crabs, dinoflagellates, green algae, marine mammals, and giant kelp.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Age Effect on M-Commerce Retail Customers Dissertation

Age Effect on M-Commerce Retail Customers - Dissertation Example The consumers are divided into two age groups: 18-35 and 36 and older. Using contingency theory and simple regression analysis the results are analysed for statistical significance of age. The results and implications for further research are discussed. Table of Contents Abstract 4 List of Abbreviations 6 Definition of Terms 7 Chapter One: Introduction to the Study 8 1.1.Background 8 1.2.Statement of the Problem 10 1.3.Purpose of the Study 13 1.4.Aim and Objectives 14 1.4.1 Aim 14 1.4.2. Objectives 14 1.5.Research Questions 15 1.6.Hypotheses 15 1.7.Research Methodology 16 1.7.1.Research Instruments 17 1.7.2.Limitations and Delimitations 18 1.7.3.Assumptions 19 1.9.Organization of the Study 21 1.10.Chapter Summary 22 Chapter Two: Literature Review 23 2.1. Introduction 23 2.2. M-Commerce: Mobile Networks, Services and Applications 23 2.3. M-Commerce and the Retail Sector 29 2.3.1. The Retail Sector 29 2.3.2. The Retail Sector and M-Commerce 31 2.4. M-Commerce and Consumer Trends Worldw ide 37 2.5. Consumer Adaptability, Acceptance and Attitudes Toward M-Commerce 42 2.5.1. Adaptability 42 2.5.2. Acceptance 50 2.5.3. Attitudes 59 2.6. Themes in the Literature 62 2.6.1. History, Development and Trends in M-Commerce Use Globally 62 Retail 62 Consumer Trends 65 2.6.2. M-Commerce and Consumer Adaptability, Acceptance and Attitudes: Previous Studies 66 Adaptability 66 Acceptance 69 Attitudes 71 2.7. Summary 71 Chapter Three: Research Methodology 73 3.1. Introduction 73 3.2. Contingency Theory 73 3.3. Research Philosophy 75 3.4. Research Methods 77 3.4.1. Data Collection 79 3.4.2. Data Analysis 85 3.5. Trustworthiness 88 3.6. Ethical Considerations 90 3.7. Summary 92 Chapter Four: Results and Analysis 93 4.1. Introduction 93 4.2. Results 93 4.3. Analysis 104 1.11.Aim and Objectives 133 1.4.1 Aim 133 1.4.2. Objectives 133 1.12.Research Questions 134 1.13.Hypotheses 135 1.14.Statement of the Problem 138 1.15.Purpose of the Study 141 1.16.Aim and Objectives 141 1.4.1 Aim 141 1.4.2. Objectives 142 List of Abbreviations B2C: Business to Consumer IT: Information Technologies LAN: Local Area Network PB: Perceived Benefits PU: Perceived Usefulness PEOU: Perceived Ease of Use TAM: Technology Acceptance Model TPB: Theory of Planned Behavior TRA: Theory of Reasoned Action WAP: Wireless Application Protocol Definition of Terms E-commerce: Selling and purchasing goods and services via electronic platforms. Interoperability: Diverse systems working together for one common goal. M-Commerce: Wireless of mobile transaction involving transfers of funds. M-Payments: Method for making payments via mobile or wireless devices. Chapter One: Introduction to the Study 1.1. Background A number of different mobile wireless devices and services are now available and range from mobile telephone networks to wireless local area networks (LANs). These kinds of devices and services are encapsulated by mobile commerce, more broadly known as m-commerce (Liu & Chen, 2009). M-commerce is a branch of e-commerce and as such is defined as any monetary or economic transaction performed by use of a mobile wireless device or by â€Å"wireless technology†, by at least one of the parties to the transaction (Mohpatra, 2013, p. 81). Bidgoli (2011) simplifies the definition of m-commerce by defining it as a â€Å"new market are created by web-enabled mobile phone services†

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critically analyze the importance of the factors that managers must Essay

Critically analyze the importance of the factors that managers must consider in - Essay Example In today’s business contexts, organizations and their environments are becoming more complex and changes occur rapidly and therefore managers are to consider all marketing related factors and its critical significance to the forecasting as well. A good forecasting must be consistent with other parts of the business (Keat and Young, 2009, p 143). For example, when a manger forecast 25 % increase in sales, it must ensure that there are sufficient facilities, labor forces and raw materials to meet this target. The demand forecast must be based on ‘past knowledge’ because forecasting is a process of foreseeing the future from the past performances. Even though in certain cases past results are not so important as in the case of new product development, past knowledge contribute much to the successful demand forecasting ((Keat and Young, 2009, p 143). A manager conducting forecast must be able to consider the economic and political environment and the probable changes because the these factors can cause major changes in the way the business is to be carried out. An effective forecast must be timely as well because if the results are too late, the managerial action also will be late that will lead to business failure (Keat and Young, 2009, p

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Balance Sheet and Income Statement Essay Example for Free

Balance Sheet and Income Statement Essay Balance Sheet and Income Statement Jennifer Grayson BSA/500 June 4, 2011 Brian Keltch Balance Sheet and Income Statement The following four companies are related to the companies that have been in review over the last four weeks. These four following companies show how well the company has been doing over the last two years or not so well. The company has pulled their balance sheets and income statement to see if all the company’s financial needs are being met. If the company’s needs are not being met, the company will show where the company needs to cut back and where the company needs to improve. National Plastic Co Conclusion National Plastic Co. s not doing well after a year. The company has less net fixed assets after a year. The company has borrowed less liability but the company has less revenue so with the changes it did not work in the favor for the company. AMERCO Inc. is still doing about the same after a year. The big thing is that the company is still able to bring in money with the economy at its worst. The company is able to run comfortable. Kout Food Group is doing about the same as the year before. No growth has happen and no lost has happen. Resaas Services Inc. has made the most growth in a year. In 2010 the total liabilities and equity was 0. 8% and in 2011 5. 67%. The company gained more than 5. 39%. Resaas is doing well. To look at all the different company’s income statements and balance sheets show that no two companies are the same. Some companies may do better than others may and some may not do well at all. It is important for all companies to make sure to have a financial statement. Reference BLOOMBERG L. P. (2012).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Shakespeares Play, Hamlet and Miltons Play, Samson Agoniste

Comparing Shakespeare's Play, Hamlet and Milton's Play, Samson Agonistes: The Mental Awakenings of Hamlet and Samson In William Shakespeare's play Hamlet and in John Milton's play Samson Agonistes, both title characters undergo an intellectual metamorphosis, each becoming more and more aware of the power of his mind as he learns to master it. Despite a difference of almost 50 years between the writing of each of these plays, Hamelet being composed in 1601 and Samson Agonistes not being completed until circa 1646-1648, both reflect a preoccupation of the 17th century shared by both authors, the emergence of the mind and the human reason. Hamlet, while already a scholar and a philosopher, must, in the course of his plot to revenge the death of his father, constantly reassure himself that his mind has not erred. He must verify that the apparition of his father's ghost was a "spirit of health" and not a "goblin damned" designed to lead him to an inopportune demise. He must be certain that the revenge that he exacts on his father-in-law will suit his crime and not "this same villain send / To heaven". Samson, on the other hand, must also awaken his mind, but in his case his mind has been dormant all his life and this thus presents him with a more diffficult task than that of Hamlet. Samson had always relied on his brute physical strength to rescue him from dangerous situations whereas Hamlet had the more well-rounded formation of a Renaissance man. Oddly enough, it is Samson who seems to have been more successful at the end of the tragedy in that he does not unwittingly take his mother nor his friend with him to his grave. The first instance in which Hamlet demonstrates an awakening of his mind is in Scene 1 when he must... ...t both must learn to develop and to trust their mind rather than rely on a supernatural power to guide them. In Hamlet's case, this supernatural being is the ghost of his father which comes to give him the noble cause of revenging his foul death. For Samson, the cause is for the honour of his god which must be proven to be stronger and more right than the Philistine god Dagon. In the end, both succeed in awakening their minds, and while their deaths may be considered tragic, from a 17th century point of view, and even from today's perspcetive, they are heros because they learned to put their trust in themselves as rational human beings. Works Cited Milton, John. Samson Agonistes. In John Milton: Complete Poems and Major Prose. Ed. Merritt Y. Hughes. New York: Macmillan, 1957. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. Sylvan Barnet. New York: Signet Classic, 1998.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Aec Advantage and Disadvangtage Essay

high & bao 1. The positive impact of AEC to Thailand is that it helps to facilitate investment and trading activities in other ASEAN members as it is now more freely and easier. We can invest in any ASEAN countries and there will be less barriers in terms of trading activities. Moreover, Thailand will become the center of transportation and tourism, as Thailand is located in the center of ASEAN. This will help tourism industry grow bigger. Thailand can also be the center of national conferences, meetings, exhibitions, and telecommunication. Furthermore, AEC helps Thai manufacturers reduce the cost of production as they can outsource cheaper raw materials from ASEAN members. AEC also helps increase the opportunities of investment as money is easily flowing among ASEAN members bix,pamm, mew 2. AEC comes with the railways development projects which will connect the Greater Mekong Sub-region, ie. East-West Economic Corridor-connecting Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar; North-South Economic Corridor-connectingThailand, Myanmar/Laos, and China and; Southern Economic Corridor-connecting Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The Southern Economic Corridor has a connecting route further to Dawei Deep Sea Port in Myanmar that can distribute products to the Middle East and Europe. This will bring down the logistic cost of Thailand that depend smuch on expensive road transportation. ————————————————- ————————————————- 3. In about 2 years, we are going to be a part of AEC which we need to prepare for this situation. It is not just only industry sector that need to prepare for the bigger market and the larger amount of competitors, but the small sector like logistic is also need to be improved to get along with the intense competition for helping companies survive from the easier movement of goods, service, investment, capital and people. When there is a free flow of goods, service, skilled labor, etc, the infrastructure also needs to be developed to serve those inflows. AEC would be a great challenge for supply chain management to manage the timing for delivering goods with more comfortable infrastructure which is able to reduce the cost of transportation as well, and it is a nice opportunity to enhance the cross border trade facilitation by simplified border procedures. Moreover, supporting the transportation among ASEAN countries PTT also started to set up gas stations at main roads in many member countries already. This opportunity tends to generate lots of income for our nation as the high standard of PTT gas station and the well quality of service. ————————————————- Negative impact of AEC on supply chain Nop ————————————————- 1. When we become a part of AEC, it has a several negative impacts on the supply chain in Thailand. Thai firms need to expand both their manufacture and inventory, in an order to produce and store more goods to serve wider range of customers. As a result, it will definitely affect their fixed cost, and total cost of production will then rise respectively. Besides, the extensive concentration on manufacturing and inventory can be problematic in that it places additional pressure on the environment, which might be a clear evidence in unwelcome impacts upon important sectors of the economy, such as tourism. Mink 2. AEC will cause in a lot of labour movement and this can be a negative impact on supply chain as well. Of course, skilled labour will move to the country that offer them a higher opportunity and higher wage, such as Singapore and Malaysia. As the Thai skilled labour move out, the foreign unskilled labour might move in. The unskilled labour, who may be more wage competitive than the Thai worker, move in. This caused an disadvantage in the market and on Thai labour as well. Also, this might depress local markets and diminish consumption of manufactured items. Due to a various wider customers, it will be harder for the manufacture to reach economy of scale. Instead of just producing one goods to server domestic market, the firms may need to come up with several creative goods to server customers who come from many country. This also can increase a cost of production for the firm. ————————————————- bix,pamm, mew Thailand has relatively high logistic cost to GDP (18%) when compared with Singapore (8%) and Malaysia (13%). For Thailand’s overall logistic cost, the share of transportation cost is the largest. Thailand may lose its strategy to be the hub of ASEAN from the higher logistic cost comparing to other AEC countries, such as Singapore and Malaysia, if Thailand’s logistic infrastructures, for example, railways and highways network that link AEC, haven’t been built completely in 2015. ————————————————- bix,pamm, mew Some labor intensive industries may die when AEC is fully integrated because of Thai minimum wage policy. The minimum wage policy will affect everyone in the supply chain both directly and indirectly. These businesses, such as food and beverage and vehicles and vehicle parts, will see higher costs for goods and services on the form of rising price of raw materials and logistics pushing through the supply chain. Moreover, the strong companies, which can survive, may leave Thai markets to find new channels to increase earnings and counter profit erosion from rising domestic costs. If many industries leave Thailand, the rest industries will leave also like domino falls.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Scarce resource article

Nursing Shortage:   An Issue of Scarce ResourceThe present nursing shortage is a serious issue which poses a real threat to the future of the healthcare system especially on patients.   Research published last year by ANA predicts that the US will have a shortage of 1 million nurses by 2020 (  /reports/behindrnprojections/4.htm), a bottleneck at US nursing schools caused more than 42 000 qualified applicants to be turned away in 2006-2007 (p.1623).Nursing experts attributed this shortage to five influencing factors.   First, it is mainly due to the simultaneous graying of the nurse workforce or the age or retirement of older nurses. Second, many are leaving the profession due to overworked and some even migrated to other countries in search for high paying ones.   Third, the number (especially the younger generations) entering the nursing profession continues to decline as they see the lack of stability and thus tend to choose other caree rs (American Nurses Association, 2003).Fourth, US nursing schools face a growing faculty shortage, schools lack the physical facilities, too few clinical training placements, and limited fund; all of these have not been able to keep pace with the demand. Fifth, while it is easy to blame the government for this shortage due to lack of funding for nursing programs, however, equally important is career burn out.   It can’t be denied that nursing is one among the many jobs that has a stressful work environment.   So, the job itself is responsible for this shortage.Further, has surveyed several students who mentioned that the best careers do not include nursing.   Some of the respondents mentioned that the lack of funding and facilities to train new nurses, poor working conditions in hospitals and poor salary scale make the nursing profession not a compensatory career.What makes this issue even worse is that research studies have found the shortage is alrea dy having a proven, adverse effect on the ability to deliver quality healthcare in the US.   One important negative effect on patient healthcare is the increased risk of patient deaths as simply there are not enough nurses to safely care for patients.   Another is the increased medical errors arising from many complications because of this shortage.   All of this equates to the inadequacy to meet the future health care needs of Americans.Because of all these, patient’s safety is threatened and health care quality is deteriorating.   This is because nurses are greatly responsible for the majority of patient care, as they perform the vital functions in a patient’s confinement in the hospital and thus providing more face to face services than doctors. But we need to ensure that there are enough registered nurses to meet future demands. What makes this issue even worse is that research studies have found the shortage is already having a proven, adverse effect on th e ability to deliver quality healthcare in the US.One important negative effect on patient healthcare is the increased risk of patient deaths as simply there are not enough nurses to safely care for patients.   Another is the increased medical errors arising from many complications because of this shortage.   All of this equates to the inadequacy to meet the future health care needs of Americans.To address this shortage, solutions must be developed in several areas, such as in education, healthcare deliver systems, policy and regulations, and image. This shortage is not solely nursings` issue and requires a collaborative effort among nursing leaders in practice and education, health care executives, government, and the media. Thus, the American government, nursing agencies, and other concerned groups have taken some steps to alleviate the nursing shortage such as to increase the number of admissions to theAmerican nursing education and improving working environment to retain nur ses.   On the other hand, they are pushing for budget changes which they hope to address the lack of funding issue of the nursing program.   Research has shown that quality of workplace environment and job satisfaction is correlated, which impacts on quality of care and patient outcomes.   ANA (2003) urge governments to act swiftly to develop a national health human resource strategy.But there are many barriers to the resolutions as addressing the shortage is really a difficult task.   For one, the government itself lack a substantive commitment to the health of Americans and that these barriers has increased due to the different views between policy making and health human resource planning.   But if this issue has to be resolved, all concerned groups; nurses, hospitals, clinics, and the government should work hand in hand.   Many concerned groups believed that an integrated health human resource strategy that includes the expeditious licensure and acceptance of those w ho wish to immigrate or who already reside in the different states of the US is needed to resolve the nursing shortage.Nurses are vital in the health care system, thus the government, nursing associations, employers, educators, and others have collaborated to address the nursing shortage issue. Nursing has been burdened with societal expectations of selflessness and devotion.   Thus, a high ethical and legal standard should be met by all American nurses.The nursing shortage carries with it a lot of implications.   Foremost, this has affected the quality and safety of the entire American health care system as nothing is more critical to the health and well being of Americans than safe, sound, and available health care.   Thus, the governments, professional associations, educators, administrators and employers have accelerated their efforts to reduce the potential threat of this shortage and thus minimize the potential public risk.   Hence, nursing education would flourish and nursing graduates would increase in number. With this, nursing graduates will have a positive job outlook as their demand is high. With these efforts, the nursing shortage would come to an end and nurses could provide the Americans with a safe and high quality health care.ReferencesAmerican Medical Association (2007).   No End in Sight to Nursing Shortage:   Bottleneck atNursing Schools a Key Factor.   Vol 298, No. 14. Available:American Nurses Association. (2003). Planning for the Future: Nursing Human ResourceProjections.   Available:, B., Erickson, J. (January 31, 2001) The Nursing Shortage: Solutions for the Shortand Long Term Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. #6, No. #1, Manuscript 4.Available:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Ways Of Seeing

I chose Rembrandt’s painting titled The Music Party for my paper because I had to choose an older painting. This piece isn’t a painting that I would normally choose because it doesn’t interest me. I am more interested in paintings with many colors and shapes rather than pictures of people in history. I also like modern art because they allow you to make your own opinion of them and they are more fitting towards modern society and society’s perceptions. This painting already has a meaning that has been passed down through generations since it was produced. During the time period this painting was produced, a ruling class existed. They were the people that defined the perceptions of society and culture. Art is a form of culture. The painting I chose is focused on society’s perceptions. In the painting I chose, the focal point is the woman sitting in the middle holding a book. There are two other people in the room, but they are behind her. They are painted darker than the woman and appear to be in the shadows. That is why I have reasoned that the woman is the focal point. The men in the back are playing musical instruments that appear to be a cello and a harp. The women is holding a book which I think is a song book because the look on her face suggests that she is singing and because everyone else is doing something with music. There are numerous other books scattered around the floor that could also possibly be music books. There is a picture on the wall, but it is too small to tell what it is a picture of. The original painting is in color, but my printer is out of ink and I’m not sure exactly what color everything is. The painting is rather small, but it could possibly be because I got it off-line. I originally went to Miami Oxford’s Art museum, but all they had was one exhibit of modern paintings and a display about pottery. I don’t have a car right now sow it was impossibl... Free Essays on Ways Of Seeing Free Essays on Ways Of Seeing I chose Rembrandt’s painting titled The Music Party for my paper because I had to choose an older painting. This piece isn’t a painting that I would normally choose because it doesn’t interest me. I am more interested in paintings with many colors and shapes rather than pictures of people in history. I also like modern art because they allow you to make your own opinion of them and they are more fitting towards modern society and society’s perceptions. This painting already has a meaning that has been passed down through generations since it was produced. During the time period this painting was produced, a ruling class existed. They were the people that defined the perceptions of society and culture. Art is a form of culture. The painting I chose is focused on society’s perceptions. In the painting I chose, the focal point is the woman sitting in the middle holding a book. There are two other people in the room, but they are behind her. They are painted darker than the woman and appear to be in the shadows. That is why I have reasoned that the woman is the focal point. The men in the back are playing musical instruments that appear to be a cello and a harp. The women is holding a book which I think is a song book because the look on her face suggests that she is singing and because everyone else is doing something with music. There are numerous other books scattered around the floor that could also possibly be music books. There is a picture on the wall, but it is too small to tell what it is a picture of. The original painting is in color, but my printer is out of ink and I’m not sure exactly what color everything is. The painting is rather small, but it could possibly be because I got it off-line. I originally went to Miami Oxford’s Art museum, but all they had was one exhibit of modern paintings and a display about pottery. I don’t have a car right now sow it was impossibl...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Discussion on the Significance of the Emancipation Proclamation

A Discussion on the Significance of the Emancipation Proclamation Life before and after the Emancipation Proclamation was quite different in the lives of African American slaves during the time it was put into effect. Before the Emancipation Proclamation was initiated by President Abraham, African Americans were seen as less than humans, considered as property, mistreated, and endured various hardships. The newly freed slaves would continue to experience such things even after the proclamation. Slaves did not have the all the privileges and freedoms that Whites had and that we have today. Contrasting with this, was what life was like for them after the Emancipation Proclamation and in the later years following the Civil War. For once the war was over and the Emancipation Proclamation was established, African Americans could now live independently and lead almost what was normal and productive lives. But even after the Civil War, blacks would continue the long and hard fight for their freedoms and rights. In this essay, I will give a brief overview of the Civil War, what life was like for the slaves before the war, the events that led up to this historical incident, the Emancipation Proclamation and its significance, the life of a slave after the Emancipation Proclamation, and what slavery means to our society today. The American Civil War, lasting from 1861 to 1865, was fought between what was known as the Union, the North, and the Confederacy, the South. America had fought for its independence from Britain several years before. Now, it was time for African Americans to also fight for their independence and break the yoke of bondage that their captors held them in for so long. The Union, was against slavery and wanted to abolish it, while the South fought to continue it. The Civil War originated on the concept of slavery. The Southern states viewed the abolishment of slavery as a violation of their rights and was unconstitutional. But the Civil War was not solely about slavery. Other differences and disagreements that two sides had, such as politics and the debate on secession, slowly built up the tension that had already existed between them. Because the South feared for their rights and thought those rights were being violated through the government’s decision to end slavery, they felt the need to react to protect themselves. Afterall, if the central government acted against the South’s wishes and defied the Constitution, they would soon continue to do so in the future. President Lincoln was elected around that time and before he was even inaugurated several states had left the Union. Beginning in January, 1861, seven slave states left the Union. The states included: South Carolina, which was the first to secede from the Union and form the Confederacy, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. Just months later, Arkansas, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, would also secede from the Union making the total number of states that had left, eleven. War eventually broke out when the two sides could not find a compromise nor solution to their problems. The South continued in its rebellion against the Union, which held the central governing body of the nation. Several states had seceded from the Union and set up their own system and governmen t, dividing the country into two. The war officially started on the morning of April 12, 1861, when the South attacked Fort Sumter, a U.S. fort in South Carolina. After rebelling against the Union for so long, the South had now pulled the last straw, and the war had finally begun. The Civil War was just another one of the wars that set the stages in the changes the nation would undergo and ultimately lead up to where we are today. The life of a slave before the Civil War was a lot different after the war though things did not start to improve immediately. Slaves were forced to work long and hard hours in the heat, were malnourished, beaten, and underwent many more difficulties. Some worked on vast plantations, toiling in the fields, picking cotton and more, while others worked on plantations that were not as big. Some slaves had harsh and brutal masters, while others had masters who treated them as one of the family. But regardless of whichever master the slave had, the slave was still considered a slave, though those with masters that were not so harsh received better treatment than those who did not. Slaves had no rights or say so in American politics nor any other area in the decision making of America or their masters. Slaves were not even considered as people, but as property. The founding fathers and writers of the Constitution considered slaves as threefifths of a person, thus African Americans were per ceived and treated as inferior to the Whites. One reason for why Africans were selected out of every other ethnic group was supposedly for religious reasons. Perceived as pagans and barbarians in their homeland, the Whites believed that enslavement would â€Å"save† them. It would also be easy to kidnap and force them into slavery knowing that they had no support system nor anyone who would fight for them. Isolated and left to fend for themselves, several thousand Africans were forced on to slave ships where it would take them to their new home in which they would work as slaves. The idea of slavery seemed like the greatest choice for the growing American economy at that time and was more convenient than having indentured servants. Indentured servants often worked between four to seven years and were paid in the forms of a place to live and other basic necessities. Indentured servants were also able to gain their freedom after their time of servitude expired. Because slaves could not demand any form of payment like indentured servants could, slavery was chosen as the best option, with Africans being their main target. The events that led up to the Civil War each occurred slowly but continuously. In What Caused the Civil War? Reflections on the South and Southern History, Edward L. Ayers discusses how Americans today depict the Civil War and its causes. He goes on to address questions of how modern Americans view the Civil War. As for the cause of the Civil War, he allows that the short answer is, indeed, slavery. However, he cautions that it required the interaction of many other factors to turn the tension over slavery into a great Civil War. Rather, slavery was â€Å"the key catalytic agent in a volatile new mix of democratic politics and accelerated communication, a process chemical in its complexity and subtlety† (142). Those two words, â€Å"complexity† and â€Å"subtlety,† are key terms in Ayers’ understanding both of the Civil War and of all of Southern history, and he repeatedly cautions the reader against settling for â€Å"simple explanations for complex prob lems† (143).1 Though slavery might have been the central cause of the war, it was not the only cause. While there are various debates about what specifically caused this great event in history, slavery was just one of the many factors that caused the war. Failure of the slave states to find a common ground or compromise with the free states caused the two groups to clash. This divided what was supposedly the United States and before long, the tensions that had built up for so long between the North and the South had finally escalated into a grand blowout between American and itself. This blowout would last four years. The Emancipation Proclamation was instituted on January 1st, 1863 by President Lincoln. President Lincoln determined by the fall of 1862 to move against slavery. By that time, the political risks of inactivity equaled or exceeded those of appearing rash and desperate and freed the President to act on his antislavery principles. On September 22, 1862, he warned the Confederates that unless they ended their rebellion he would move against slavery on January 1, 1863, and with the onset of the new year he made good his promise, declaring that â€Å"all persons held as slaves† in rebel areas â€Å"are, and henceforward shall be, free†; he added that â€Å"such persons of suitable condition will be received into the armed service of the United States.2 This statement implies that President Lincoln used the concept of ending slavery as way to get the attention of the South and to end their rebellion. Therefore, it also implies that the Civil War was not just about slavery, bu t subduing the Confederacy who had rebelled against the U.S. and started their own agenda. During that time, in each law that addressed slaves and slavery. Congress moved toward freeing slaves and limiting slavery. Congress also indicated a willingness to emancipate various groups of slaves as war policy.^ Indeed, those laws gave the President the power and duty to seize and liberate the property, including slaves, of those who were engaged in war against the United States or were disloyal to the United States. President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation against that legislative backdrop. Given such legislation. President Lincoln may have had the constitutional authority to issue much of the Emancipation Proclamation under his take care authority.3During the time of the Emancipation Proclamation, the nation had now been in its third year of engaging the South in the Civil War. The Emancipation in itself was a source and symbol of freedom to the African slaves, though they had a long road to take until they could live a normal life in the land of which they were now free. Though the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves in the South, freeing the slaves was not President Lincoln’s original plan and intention in instituting the proclamation. Knowing that he had to retain the loyalty of the slaveholding border states, President Lincoln declared that his paramount intention was to save the Union, not to free the slaves. In this case, Lincoln’s initial concern was preserving the Union which was now torn in two by the issue of slavery. It was only by settling this issue that the country would be put back together again. â€Å"the Proclamation had a powerful symbolic effect. It broadened the base of the war and turned it into a fight for freedom as well as union. It gave the Northern cause the weight of a moral crusade.5 Thus the Emancipation Proclamation allowed the newly freed slaves to enjoy freedoms they were forbidden from having prior to being set free while it did not provide for them the privilege or rights the white citizens had. The Reconstruction Era began in 1865, following the Civil War, and lasted until 1877. The Reconstruction Era marked a turning point in history in the lives of the newly freed slaves. It also was only the beginning in the African American’s long road to freedom and independence, for after the Civil War, they were still not yet treated fairly and as equals to the Whites. Clearly a racist image of Reconstruction as a failure, ignoring the eras accomplishments, combined with the Jim Crow laws, the violence that accompanied them, lynching, and convict leasing, all contributed to the humiliation and terror of African Americans†¦6 This statement implies that even after the Civil War, African Americans were still mistreated and persecuted. For though they had been freed, they would pay a high price for their freedom to the angry and enraged South who resisted any form of Reconstruction. The postemancipation period had brought freedom and a new way of life in the lives of former slaves, but it also brought with it hardships, persecution, and oppression. But, the pu rpose of Radical Reconstruction was to give African Americans equality. That goal was not immediately achieved in the years following the Civil War. Radical Republicans sincerely wanted to help the former slaves, but they made two serious mistakes. They assumed that giving southern blacks the vote would enable them to protect themselves politically. Second, Radical Republicans, although willing to give millions of acre of land to railroad companies, were unwilling to give land to the freed slaves so that they could become economically independent.7 This statement in itself speaks of how blacks were not able to become completely independent though they were free and able to do and go wherever they wished. They would continue the long and hard fight before their hopes and dreams would become a reality. For though they were finally free, African Americans would yet suffer from what the war had left behind. The defeat of the Confederacy brought freedom, but also uncertainty. Without edu cation and jobs, freed people faced continued poverty.8 Many lost their lives, underwent many difficulties, and mistreated in the process of that fight. Yet, they all stood their ground and fought bravely.. It was individuals such as these that made their greatest mark on history and are heros to this day. The Reconstruction Era, the aftermath of America’s war from within, was the second period of time in which America underwent restructure, with the first being the Revolution. America would continue this process of restructure even after the Reconstruction era had ended. Though the war was over, it had left a messy mark, one which was going to take some time to clean up. Many lives were lost on both sides during the bloody and gruesome war. Cities and towns laid desolate and in ruins, with bodies strewn everywhere. The North had won the war, but paid a high price. Yet the South was now defeated, thus, they finally gave up and surrendered. Lincoln later pardoned the South and the nation was unified once more. The end of the Civil War may have brought closure to the death and devastation of the battlefield, but it opened a Pandora’s box of social and economic problems. The magnitude of disorder and suffering was tremendous: abandoned lands, lack of food and clothing, the many thousands of displaced persons, successive crop failures, and the transition from slave to free labor on the part of millions of black people.9 With the Civil War now over, new social and economical problems had arose for America. One of the greatest periods of time in America’s growth and rebuilding, the Reconstruction era helped shape American and its future. But while the Reconstruction era opened a new area of problems in the develo ping nation, it also brought about new opportunities and a means for African Americans to support themselves and start a new life. It was during this time that the Freedmen’s Bureau was established, helping to assist both blacks and whites who were struggling to survive. The bureau fed the hungry, provided medical care, shelter, and more to those who needed it to both poor Blacks and Whites. During the Reconstruction era, the concept of education was also open to African Americans, of which it had been forbidden for slaves before then. In the past, slaves would get into severe trouble if they were caught reading or performing any other educational activity. This could also mean trouble for their masters as well if they were caught educating the slaves. After the Civil War, those laws no longer applied. The fuller freedom Quarles speaks of represents a psychological break from the chains of slavery. As the legal chains of slavery were released via the emancipation proclamation , education became the principal source of release from the psychological chains of slavery.10 The emancipation had set slaves free physically, but now through education, African Americans were set free mentally. Something that was strictly forbidden and off limits to the former slaves, was freely available to them now. This also enabled them to become more independent because they knew how to support themselves and their families. This, along with the beginning of African American’s fight for civil rights were just some of the changes that the post Civil War and Reconstruction era brought about. Though a slow and difficult process, it eventually paved the way for life as we know it now here in America. Though African Americans are no longer enslaved today, its effects are still present in our society today. The false perception of blacks being inferior and mediocre and the issue with racism is still common, though it may not be as apparent and strong as it was back then. But just as this prejudicy divided and almost destroyed an entire nation, it is still destructive and divisive in our society today. Sharon E. Davis speaks about racism and its effects in her article, The Oneness of Humankind: Healing the Racism Today: The compound problem of race and other issues such as poverty only can be resolved with the acceptance and understanding of our human oneness. Our shared humanity is the glue that holds us and our future in its grasp. We are familiar with how families grow into clans, then tribes, and tribes into kingdoms and then states/nations. The pressing need is to be unified in all essential aspects of human life, yet infinite in our diversity. . . . The deep roots of racism ar e anchored in the false belief that one race or culture is superior. Further, the principle of the Oneness of Humankind means that not only White people can be racists. Given the same history and circumstances, any group of human beings may behave in similar ways. 11 No one race or ethnic group is superior to another. However, it is when we begin to believe and live this concept, that we grow farther apart and in opposition to one another. When we refuse to accept people for who they are and only perceive them as different then we miss really miss out on what matters. In fact, refusal can be not only harmful for the other person, but us as well. As racism was divisive back then and almost ruined a nation, it is still divisive and destructive today. One of the main causes of the Civil War was disunity, greed, and just plain selfishness. Perhaps, if the two sides had found a way to work through their problems, the war could have been avoided. It is critical that we perceive others the same way we perceive ourselves. For if things were reversed, how would we feel?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Competency BasedCurriculum Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Competency BasedCurriculum Development - Essay Example What host of questions remains unexamined?† The paper includes recommendations on curriculum trends likely to remain prominent for managing the interests of state and federal governments, the needs of individual students, the academic freedom of teachers, and the requirements of employers and the community. Jackson’s statement is part of a debate on competency based education and training (CBET) that has gone on for decades despite wide acceptance in a growing number of developed and developing countries. Stevenson and Brown (1994) state that the main point of contention is the answer to the following question: what is the purpose of education? The varied answers explain why educators and policymakers are divided into three camps: those who see CBET as a pariah, as a panacea, or as neither of the two (Bowden, 1998). Hager (1994, cited in Jones, 1999, p. 156) traces these debates to the longstanding dispute on â€Å"vocational versus general education† and to the main issue of whether and to what extent vocationalism should drive education (Kerka, 1998). CBET started out as a system of vocational instruction in U.S. factories early in the last century. Having experienced its effectiveness, U.S. policymakers applied competency based methods to teacher training in the late 1960s and used it a decade later to reform the curricula in other professions (Bowden, 1998). Its relative success helped it spread to other countries, notably the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand in the 1980s (Herschbach, 1991, p.3). The evolution from competency based training (CBT) to CBET is evident in the design of a competency based curriculum that, like an evolving living creature, reflects the â€Å"genetic code† of its conceptual ancestors. Not only does the competency based curriculum of, say, a course in medicine adopt key principles from CBT, but the competency based curriculum of, say, a vocational training course